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Accessible Services

Accessible environment

The Southern Branch of the NPM endeavors to build an accessible environment in conformity with universal design criteria.

  • Accessible parking spaces are available in the parking lots at Northside Entrance and Southside Entrance. Cars may use the Barrier-free and Administrative Office Entrance to drop off disabled visitors at Stop 6 (S6 Museum). The Accessible Ramp to the Museum is right at Stop 6.
  • Disabled visitors using public transportation may take the Accessible golf cart at Visitor Center or follow the recommended trail to enter the museum.
  • Elevators, guide bricks, mental maps and touch tours for permanent exhibitions are provided and available in the museum. Guide dogs are also welcome.

Free admission and audio guide rental

Visitors with disability card and one accompanying person (regardless of nationality) may visit the museum and use the audio guide device (available in verbal imaging, sign language, real-time caption and other options) free of charge. To use this service, please ask the staff at Tickets & Multimedia Guide on the 2F.


Wheelchair and baby stroller free rental

Visitors may rent a wheelchair or a baby stroller free of charge upon deposit of an ID card at Visitor Center, the 1F Information and 2F Information. (The wheelchair or the stroller shall be returned to the original location.)

Accessible service lines

Should you need any assistance, please reach Visitor Center, Information or dial:

  • Visitor Center +886-5-362-7568 
  • Information +886-5-362-0555 ext. 5133 
  • Accessible Group Tour +886-5-362-0555 ext. 5106 (09:30 - 17:00, Mon. to Fri.)

For accessible group tours, please download and email the completed form to along with required documents. Our staff will assist you with the following process. You do not need to use the online reservation system.


Baby-friendly & family-friendly services

Breastfeeding Rooms and family restrooms are located in Children's Creative Center on the 1F. Breastfeeding Rooms are also available on all the floors of the Moyun Hall (galleries).