According to the inscription at the bottom, this pagoda was dedicated by minor court official Cao Tian-du in 466, during the Northern Wei dynasty. It is the earliest extant pagoda in the style of a Chinese pavilion and is clearly dated. The pagoda was designated a national treasure by the Ministry of Culture in 2011 for its outstanding value in the history of Buddhism and art.
石塔構成 Composition
Carved entirely in sandstone, the nine-layer pagoda originally consisted of four sections: from bottom to top, the base, the first to the seventh stories, the eighth and ninth stories, and the steeple (now in the collection of the Shuozhou Cultural Relics Administrative Office in Shanxi Province, China. Here shown in illustration). The pagoda would be approximately 200 cm including the steeple.
雕刻主題 Themes
塔身 The pagoda
為仿木構閣樓式方形佛塔,共九層。第一層設計較繁複:四面中央皆開龕,正面雕多寶佛與釋迦牟尼佛、即所謂的「二佛並坐」,背面雕交腳彌勒與二脇侍菩薩,兩側各雕一佛二菩薩;四角另各有闕形方墩以強化支撐。中央佛龕以外的空間、與第二層以上四面,都均整佈滿禪坐千佛。根據統計,包含塔剎,全塔共雕1381 尊(塔身大尊佛菩薩11 尊、小禪坐佛1354尊;塔剎16 尊)。
This square pagoda is in the style of wooden Chinese pavilions and consists of nine stories. The first story has a more elaborate design and central niches on all four sides. The front has carvings of Prabhūtaratna and Sakyamuni seated side by side (the most important theme of the Lotus Sutra), the back has a cross-legged Maitreya and two attending bodhisattvas, and the two sides each have one buddha and two bodhisattvas.
The four corners of the first story are reinforced with tower-shaped square buttresses. The space surrounding the central niches on the first story and all four sides of the stories above the second are filled with meditating buddhas. Including the steeple, the pagoda has a total of 1,381 carved deities (11 great buddhas and bodhisattvas and 1,354 seated buddhas on the pagoda and16 deities on the steeple).
塔座 Base
The base is square and has decorative carvings. The front is divided into three columns, the center one carved to represent an incense burner and two monks, and the two side columns carved with crouching lions and a lotus flower. The right and left sides of the base are carved with male and female worshippers arranged according to height. The back of the base is an engraved inscription flanked by a male and a female worshipper, who also form an extension of the arrangement of worshippers on the right and left sides of the base.
塔剎 Steeple
Now in the collection of the Shuozhou Cultural Relics Administrative Office in Shanxi Province,China
The bottom is a tenon, while the upper part consists of the seat of the buddhas, an inverted bowl-shaped structure, and a finial. The seat of the buddhas has niches on all four sides, and the four corners are decorated with seated buddhas in high relief.
銘文解讀 Inscription
According to the inscription, this pagoda was dedicated by Cao Tian-du, a minor court official, to his late father and son in 466, during the Northern Wei dynasty. In addition to praying for his own relief from worries, Cao also wished the longevity and blessings of the Emperor Xianwen (r. 465-471), the Empress Dowager Feng (441-490), and the crown prince (future Emperor Xiaowen,r. 471–499), as well as prayed for his family and friends can divorce from disasters and sufferings while receiving enlightenment.
國寶指定 Significance
The pagoda was the first building in India to be used to store the śarīra (the remains) of akyamuni. It is placed at the center of a monastery and typically has an inverted bowl-shaped structure and a canopy on top. As Buddhism spread to China through central Asia, the pagoda became progressively taller and eventually incorporated the architectural style of the Chinese pavilion.
This stone pagoda is the earliest extant specimen of a Chinese pavilion-style pagoda. Its imitation of carved wood sculpture gives great insight into Chinese architecture during the Northern dynasties. The theme of Prabhūtaratna and Sakyamuni seated side by side and the thousand buddhas reveal the connection with the Lotus Sutra. This paved the way for similar iconography seen in the middle period of the Yungang Grottoes (c. 465–493).
國寶背後的故事 Story behind the national treasure
This pagoda was originally housed in the Maitreya Hall (Jin dynasty, completed in 1153) of Chongfu Monastery in Shuozhou, in China’s Shanxi Province. During the Japanese invasion of China, the pagoda was taken to the Tokyo Imperial Museum (now the Tokyo National Museum). The steeple had been hidden away by a Shuozhou resident as the Japanese prepared to ship the pagoda to Japan, so the steeple never left China and is now in the collection of the Shuozhou Cultural Relics Administrative Office in Shanxi Province. Following the end of the Second World War, the pagoda was returned to the Republic of China in Taiwan together with other looted cultural relics. In 1955, the National Museum of History was established and was entrusted with the pagoda by the Ministry of Education. The pagoda was designated a national treasure by the Ministry of Culture in 2011 for its outstanding value in the history of Buddhism and art.
緣起 Background to the exhibition
The National Museum of History has been closed since July 2018 for major renovations. The museum’s collections were moved out of its Taipei facilities, and some are now in the safekeeping of the Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum. This was a rare opportunity for the two museums to work together to present this national treasure to the public in southern Taiwan.